Embracing Your Body After Baby

I am comfortable with my body after giving birth.

I embrace my new body after giving birth. I am comfortable with the physical changes I see after birth. I like my new curves!

I love my new body because it is a beautiful vessel for life.

I have patience because my body has many changes. I understand my body needs time to recover from the pregnancy and delivery.

I avoid comparing my body to other mothers. I understand my body is unique and special. My body adjusts to motherhood in its own way. I feel confident around other mothers who are thinner or stronger.

I take time to relax and appreciate my body.

My priorities are my health and the health of my newborn.

I know I can exercise and get back in shape when my body is ready. I listen to my doctor’s recommendations about workouts. I use my doctor’s advice to start a safe exercise routine.

Today, I embrace the changes my body is going through since I had a baby. These changes are a natural part of the beauty of life.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  • How can I feel more comfortable about my body in front of my significant other?

  • How can I overcome the frustration of my old clothes being too small after giving birth?

  • What I can do to avoid judging my body based on my old appearance?


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